Every year we have a volunteer training event in September.  We review the safety stuff as well as the vision and values.  It’s a chance for new volunteers to learn the basics and returning volunteers to be reminded about why we do what we do.  At this event we review our Volunteer Training Book.  This book outlines our safety policies as well as the need to know info for our Kids Volunteers. I have included a free download for you.

Volunteer Training Manuals can be boring to read.  We decided it was important to work on making it look interesting so that it was easy to read. Our volunteer training book includes the following sections:

  • It includes a section about vision and values.
  • It has a section on symptoms of abuse, and what to do if you suspect abuse.
  • It has a section on our procedures.
  • It includes an overview of what a person needs to know to be a volunteer in our Kids Ministry.

Here is the link to the PDF version of our Volunteer Training Book.  You can download a copy and use it as a sample to create your own volunteer training book.  Here is the link to the InDesign File that you can download and edit for your kids ministry.  If you do not have InDesign, you can download a free 30 day trial at Adobe.com.


Want to learn more about training volunteers? Here is a link to what you should include in a training event.

This post will help you learn how to create a training event that people will want to come to.

Want to see an example of a Safety Manual?  Click here to see the safety manual from Crossroads Kids Club.


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