I have been to the Leadership Summit several times at Willow Creek Church in Chicago, IL. It’s a great time to focus on leadership & renew my passion for leading people. Several years ago I heard Bill Hybels speak about the 3 C’s when it comes to building your dream team.
Bill also talks about the 3 C’s in his book Courageous Leadership. As I look for people to be leaders in children’s ministry, I remember these 3 things and ask the following questions:
1. Character – Are they a Christ Follower? Do their words & actions reflect this? What is their character like? Are they humble? Do they have a servant’s heart? Do they have a positive attitude?
2. Competence – Are they capable of doing the job? Do they have the skills & gifts needed for the role they are filling? Are they self-motivated & have a high level of excellence?
3. Chemistry – How will they fit on the team? Will their personality work with the rest of the people on the team?
Bill lists these 3 things, and is careful to note that they are in a specific order. Character is the most important thing. Someone might be capable of doing a job, even excel at it, but if their character is not in the right place, he would not bring them onto his team.
Click here for more information on setting Goals in Kids Ministry.
Click here for more information on leadership training on DVD by John Maxwell.
Click here for my top 10 favourite leadership books for Kids Ministry.