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Elementary Room Signs @ Willow Creek

By June 2, 2014September 8th, 2018No Comments

On the walls before you enter one of the Elementary Classes at Willow Creek Church you will find room signs that communicate information about that room.  They describe each element of their program, and info that the parents might want to know before their child enters the room. They outline the expectations of kids and provides an opportunity for parents to chat with their children about the expectations before they enter the room.

These are the signs they have displayed outside each age group.

room signs

room signs


room signs


room signs


room signs

Benefits of Room Signs

Intentional – Each part of the service time is very intentional.  There is no downtime or wasted time.  These signs communicate what will be happening during the service.

Communicates to Kids – It lets the kids know where the boundaries are and what is expected during each of these elements.

Communicates to Parents – As parents walk past these signs, they are also reminded about what is happening in the room & where the boundaries are for kids while they are there.

These room signs are not just a photocopied page that is taped to the wall.  The signs are professionally made and installed to increase the level of excellence, and helps communicate that this info is important every week, not just for that day.

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