Do you have a Kids Worship Team at your church? Do you want to start one? Here are some ideas that will help your Kids Worship Team go from good to great!
#1. It starts with the leader. The Kids Worship Team Leader should love to worship God & see kids worshiping God. It’s all about what comes from the heart, and it’s got to start with the leader.
#2. Adult Helpers. Have a team of adults who work with the leader. The adults learn the songs with the kids & help lead them in the kids rooms.
#3. Practice. This should happen in a number of ways. The team should get together a minimum of once a month to learn new songs, and work on current ones. Have someone video tape these rehearsals and upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo so that everyone can review the actions/words to the songs at home. Edit the settings on these videos so that only the team members are able to view them for practice purposes only. Ask kids to practice the songs at home so that they know them really well when it is time to sing on stage.
#4. Energy & Enthusiasm. You may need to coach the kids on this one. They may have to move out of their comfort zone to sing a little louder or do the actions with a little more enthusiasm. Encourage them to give God their best! If the adults & kids on stage are enthusiastic about singing, chances are that the kids in the audience will be too. I also suggest showing the kids an example of a Kids Worship Team in action. HillsongKids have great videos of kids worshiping.
#5. T-shirts. If you have Kids Ministry T-shirts, or Kids Worship T-shirts, get the kids to wear them! It helps them feel like they are part of the team!
#6. Keep it Simple. As you look for new songs, look for songs that are not too complicated. Lots of verses with lots of words are harder for kids to learn.
#7. Make it Visual. If possible, have the words on a screen for kids to read. Even if the kids can’t read, the leaders in the room probably can, and they will appreciate having the words on the screen. Put the words on a motion background, or use a Worship Video to add interest to the visual component. WorshipHouseKids is loaded with options.
Looking for new kids worship songs? Check out this post about new kids worship music.
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