Sometimes the number of things that need to be done in Kids Ministry can be overwhelming.  How do you balance the urgent things with things that should be a priority?  So many times the urgent can take a lot of our time, but they are not necessarily things that are a priority.  A Kids Ministry To Do List might be just the thing you are looking for.  It’s not just any to do list.  It’s specifically designed with things in mind that are important for a Kids Ministry Leader.

Start by making a list of things that you would consider priorities in your kids ministry.  What will it take to accomplish those things?  Make a list of things that take a lot of your time.  Then evaluate.  Do you need to make some adjustments so that you have more time to focus on your priorities?

Try using a 3, 6 and 12 month goals list.  Take time to write down 3 things that you would like to accomplish in the next 3 months.  Then write down 3 things to accomplish in the next 6 months, and do the same for 12 months.  Having goals written down on paper helps you to focus on priorities that need to be done.

Thanking volunteers is one of those things that is important, but we never seem to get around to doing that on a regular basis.  If you make a goal of writing one thank you note for each day that you are in the office, then you could make a big difference in a short amount of time, on a regular basis.

I created a “To Do” list and customized it for Kids Ministry to help keep me on track.  Some things are pre-printed on the list to remind me to do them on a regular basis.  The spaces for “this week” and “this month” are the same size as a standard post-it note.  Just write the items that you need to accomplish this week or this month on a post-it note, and transfer the post-it notes to each new page instead of re-writing your list for longer range items.

You can download the Kidmin To Do list for free.  Hopefully it will help you stay organized and focused on what you need to do.



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