Does your church have a clear plan for emergencies?  Crossroads Church does.  In fact, it’s so clear, that they have a Safety Manual displayed in each Kids Room.  Each Manual is custom made with instructions for that specific room.  The staff was kind enough to give me permission to share their Safety Manual on my blog with pictures for everyone to see.  I have also included a link to download the PDF version for free. Hopefully it will inspire you to make a plan for emergencies that is clear for your volunteers.

They have included the following tabs with short, clear instructions in each section:

Calling 911 – This page includes steps to take when calling 911, the location, specific to each room & campus, and the text to say when speaking with the 911 operator.

Incident Report Forms – These forms are available right in the pocket of this booklet.

Tornado – This section includes step by step instructions about what to do, and where to go in the event of a tornado. On the back of this page is a map that indicates where they should go in the building.

Fire – This section includes step by step instructions on what to do, and where to go in the event of fire evacuation.  On the back of this page is a map that indicates which route they should take to evacuate.

Each booklet was specific to each room.  The instructions and maps were specific so that volunteers would know exactly what to do in the event of an emergency.

To download the PDF of this manual, click here. I do not have an editable version but hopefully this will help you create a safety manual that works for you.

For more information on what else to include at an emergency info station in a kids ministry room, check out this page.



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