EPIC takes place every summer at our church. It’s the week where Kids Ministry takes over every square inch of the church, and helps kids learn about Jesus and have FUN! This week would not be possible if it were not for our EPIC volunteers!
All of the EPIC volunteers give their time to make the week amazing for the kids. Here is a list of our Leadership Team & what they do:
EPIC Director – oversees EPIC. Communicates with the leadership team & helps them make their area of ministry happen.
Decor Leader – plans & designs the decor for EPIC. Works with a team of volunteers to collect supplies & create ‘stuff’ to make the theme come alive. I should mention that most of their decorations are made from cardboard that they paint & cut out. Super LOW budget! 🙂
Admin Leader – works with the director to track registrations & admin stuff like name tags & lists of names.
Preschool Director – works with a team of adults to plan & lead the program for preschoolers. We provide a program for children age 0-4 for the children of our volunteers.
Snack Leader – works with a team of volunteers to plan, & prepare snack for the kids every day. They work hard to choose healthy snacks & food that goes with the theme each year.
Games Leader – plans & prepares the games for the kids.
Science Station Leader – each year we have chosen to include some kind of science creation every day instead of a craft.
Bible Station Leader – plans & prepares the Bible Lesson for the devotional station.
Stage Leader – works with the band,tech & stage team to make the open & closing sessions happen every day.
Other Important Volunteer Roles
Crew Leaders – hang out with a group of 5 children every day & help them get to each station.
Registration Team – help kids check in & out every day.
Nurse – keeps us well supplied with band-aids.
Greeters – welcome people when they arrive & help direct them so that registration goes smoothly and quickly.
Preschool Team – run an entire program for the little kids so volunteers can leave their younger children in a high quality program while they serve.
Nursery Team – help with caring for babies of volunteers.
Photographers/Videographers – capture the events of the week on film so we can use footage for promo & appreciation events.
Volunteer Snacks – everyday we start the morning off with coffee & food for the volunteers before the kids arrive. We have volunteers make snacks just for the volunteer team.
Family Event Carnival Team – organize carnival games, pony rides, bouncy castle etc. for the Family Event (Thursday evening).
Family Event Food Team – do everything needed to feed supper to all the kids and their families for Thursday Evening.
Parking Team – helps everyone find a place to park on the night of the Family Event
Shoppers – these people are given a list of supplies & they purchase what is needed for various stations
Missions Fund Raising Team – This year a team of people made jars of jam to sell at the Family Event to raise money for our missions projects.
Builders – sometimes we needed things built for our stations that required power tools or handy work.
Starbucks Runner – Ok, so maybe not a requirement, but it sure was nice to have someone go pick up an extra special treat for some hard working volunteers.
My role (Kids Pastor) is to make sure that everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. I work closely with the EPIC director and she works closely with the leadership team. We pray for & encourage people as they serve. I also make sure that hand written thank you cards get to each volunteer. I don’t teach anything or lead any activities so that I am available to meet kids & parents & spend time with volunteers.