On a recent visit to Woodstock City Church in Atlanta, I studied what they use for Small Groups. These bins can be found at IKEA, but at the time of this post, they are also available at Michaels.
What I love about these carts, is that they have enough space to hold everything a Small Group Leader needs to do small group time effectively. Here’s what’s included:
Top Level – Clipboards – Every child can write without sitting at a table.
Middle Level – Writing supplies etc. – In this space you could put any supplies needed for that day’s activities.
Lower Level – Bibles – Kid friendly and age appropriate Bibles are available for kids to learn to use while in Small Group Time.
Small Group Leader Name Plate – What a super idea! Each name plate was laminated with a magnet on the back. This allowed the name plates to be changed out as needed for each service.
Extra Name Plates were kept on the side of the metal storage bin listed by service time.
Ideas for Extra Time – How convenient! A list of activities for small group leaders to do with their group of kids if they have extra time. This is super smart!
Most of the Small Group Leaders are high school students. They used the opportunity to advertise an event for high school students right on the bin. Another smart idea!
I loved how this small group leader was all set up and ready to go before the kids arrived for the service. This communicates that the small group leader is expecting their kids to arrive, and is ready for them!
Here’s a pic of their Small Group Carts all ready to go!
These are practical, portable and absolutely spectacular ! AND they send a message that says small group matters and as I leader, I need to have everything in one place ready for the moments that are going to happen.
I agree!